I really like it, Rainbow songs are great in Japanese!
Charapedia, a Japanese anime curation site operated by Saitama-based company Egg Mode, has reported the result of their latest online survey…
"MOST HANDSOME" Actors 20. Others (1537 votes) 19. Hiraoka Yuta (95 votes) 18. Eita (116 votes) 17. Okada Masaki (466 votes) 16.…
1 388,811 Arashi - Endless Game (Limited Edition/CD+DVD) 2 337,949 Arashi - Calling / Breathless (Limited Edition B/CD+DVD) 3 334,168 Arashi -…
Charapedia, a Japanese anime curation site operated by Saitama-based company Egg Mode, has reported the result of their latest online survey…
"MOST HANDSOME" Actors 20. Others (1537 votes) 19. Hiraoka Yuta (95 votes) 18. Eita (116 votes) 17. Okada Masaki (466 votes) 16.…
1 388,811 Arashi - Endless Game (Limited Edition/CD+DVD) 2 337,949 Arashi - Calling / Breathless (Limited Edition B/CD+DVD) 3 334,168 Arashi -…
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