02.NIGHTMARE - A Friend like me [Aladdin]
03.kawamura ryuuichi - Beauty and the Beast [Beauty and the Beast]
04.PENICILLIN - Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride [Lilo & Stitch]
05.Plastic Tree - Chim Chim Cher-ee [Mary Poppins]
06.Sadie - This is Halloween [Nightmare Before Christmas]
07.aoi - Can You Feel the Love Tonight [The Lion King]
08.THE KIDDIE - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [Mary Poppins]
09.NINJAMAN JAPAN - When You Wish Upon a Star [Pinocchio]
10.CASCADE - Heigh-Ho [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs]
11.DASEIN - You'll be in My Heart [Tarzan]
I have no idea how quickly these will be taken down.
If this is still available next time I'm paid I'm buying it omg I'm such a sucker for Disney.
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