“11 Nin mo Iru!” is a comedic home drama about the Sanada family, consisting of a jobless father (Tanabe Seiichi), a domestic mother (Mitsuura Yasuko), and 8 children. Kamiki Ryunosuke stars as the eldest son, who helps support the family through his part-time jobs. Kato Seishiro plays the youngest child Saigo, who is the only one who can see the “11th member of the family” – a ghost named Megumi.
Hirosue plays the part of Megumi, a former stripper who was also the former wife of Minoru (Tanabe) before she passed away at the age of 30. She was the real mother of all of the Sanada children besides Saigo. Unlike the Sanada family’s current mother – whose name is also Megumi, but written differently – she loves to drink, acts wildly, and is full of pride. Now as a ghost, she tries to get involved in the family’s matters using Saigo as her proxy, leading to comical results.
It has also been announced that the show’s theme song will be “Bicycle,” a new tune by rock band NICO Touches the Walls.
“11 Nin mo Iru!” premieres on October 21st.
source : Tokyograph
KudoKan, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Kato Seishiro + Hirosue Ryoko & NICO touches the Walls... October come faster!!!
EDIT: added the second picture... she looks absolutely stunning. *-*