Winnie (oh_letgo) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

NICO Touches the Walls 4th Album release!

Mark your calendars, NICO fans! According to, NICO Touches the Walls will be releasing their 4th album... this year! Yes, you read correctly, 2011 - this year, on 7th December. The album is entitled 「HUMANIA」 and the a promo pic was also posted (see above)

Now, it was only in April we saw and bought the release of their 3rd album 「PASSENGER」 but since then, NICO has been going head strong performing for their many tour dates and even giving us single releases from 「手をたたけ」 - (Te wo Tatake), which was used  as the theme song for LISMO's commercial. Not forgetting 「Endless roll」, which was released as a digital single through RecoChoku - whilst it was also used as the theme song for the movie 「スイッチを押すとき」 (SWITCH o osu toki). Their next release is said to be a song called 「バイシクル」 (Bicycle), which is to be used for the up and coming drama 「11人もいる!」 (11-Nin mo iru!). Have I lost you yet?

Not only have NICO been very busy with all these releases and have decided to announce their 4th album release. It seems that NICO will be doing yet another tour next year entitled "NICO Touches the Walls TOUR2012 "HUMANIA" ". Check out the dates on their website:

The tracklist for 「HUMANIA」 has yet to be announced, but I'm sure we'll be waiting eagerly for it!


Tags: nico touches the walls

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