tennyo29 (tennyo29) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

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Inoue Mao and Arashi draw a big crowd

Requests to be in the audience for the 62nd NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen reached a record 1 264 923 requests, it was revealed on November 18. The new record is an increase of 500 000 or 1.7 times from the previous record of 759 722 requests held in 2004. Requests were accepted by postcard from October 7-27. 1234 winning requests were chosen (Two people per request were allowed), making odds 1 in 1025 of being chosen.

The timing of the announcement of the MCs was likely behind the phenomenal record. In previous years, the announcement was made in early November - after the deadline for audience requests. This year, however, the announcement of Inoue Mao and Arashi as hosts was made on October 19, during the recruitment period. Popular group Arashi's concert tickets are hard to come by. Inoue focuses on her acting and is rarely seen on stage. As such, it seems that they were flooded with submissions from fans trying to catch this rare opportunity to see their idols in the flesh.

Source: Nikkan Sports


Tags: actor/actress, arashi, mao inoue

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