On December 18th, Tegomass (comprised of NEWS members Tegoshi Yuya and Masuda Takahisa) performed at the Yokohama Arena leg of their nationwide tour.
During the concert, Tegoshi promised to resume their activities as NEWS members, saying, “As NEWS, we want to steadily release new material.”
Since Yamashita Tomohisa focused on his solo career and Nishikido Ryo was busy with his own activities in Kanjani8, NEWS wasn’t able to do much this year.
Back in October, Tegoshi commented, “Including what’s around us, all kinds of things happened,” referring to the turmoil from both the Tohoku disaster and the departure of Yamashita and Nishikido. He continued, “However, we want to be positive and continue making things that will leave an impression.”
At the concert, Tegomass sang a total of 24 songs for 15,000 fans.
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