pastrypop (pastrypop) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

yamapi tells his 3 best friends

Inside a page of the February newest Poporo Magazine that sticks out is called “Full Understanding of Whats In Yamapi’s Head! His Current Best 3 Announcents!!” where Yamapi discusses his Best 3 on various subjects. Yamapi announces things like his Best 3 favorite movies but, under the “Johnnies Your Close Friends With” category, Number 1 is Ikuta Toma, Number 2 is Matsumoto Jun, and Number 3 is Nishikido Ryo, and not one of the current NEWS members appeared.

In his comments he states “With Ikuta, I do stuff like eating out or going to the gym. Lately our conversations have been actor-like. Even though we go back and forth to the gym together, during training I’m doing solo activity. (Laughs)”, Yamashita said, turning his withdrawl from NEWS into joke material. Together in name and reality, Yamapi’s seperation from NEWS is felt. Although desolate, it cannot be helped. Starting from January 1st Yamapi’s drama “Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata ~ Ending Planner ~” starts on TBS. We look forward to seeing how Yamapi, who has actor-like conversations with Ikuta, has grown!

Translation from here

Okay I saw this and it kinda surprised me, especially because theres no Jin.
Tags: yamapi

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