averseofmelody (averseofmelody) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

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Ueto Aya and HIRO to get married in the season of sakura!

it was announced on the 31st, that Ueto Aya (26) and EXILE leader HIRO (42), will be getting married in April. it was known that Ueto has revealed this news to her mother and close friends, as well as to her agency, that she wishes to get married in spring. they have been seeing each other since summer the year before, and decide to tie the knot after two years of dating. wedding ceremony and details have not been finalized yet, but Ueto will continue her work even after marriage.

despite a 16-year gap, the wedding will take place in the season of the sakura.

sources close to Ueto revealed that she had announced her plans to get married to her mother around the end of the year. after they started dating, Ueto has introduced HIRO to her mother, whom finds him "unpretentious and humble". after that the three of them would go for meals, and her mum has been supportive of their relationship all the while.

while they were dating, HIRO has also visited the boss of Ueto's agency, whom is of a fatherly figure to Ueto, and he has acknowledged HIRO's serious attitude to their relationship. it is precisely that both of them are taking a serious attitude to their relationship, that it is possible to overcome their 16-year age gap.


hadn't seen this posted yet. my own translation, sorry for lack of proper wording. also, first post on arama yay!
Tags: aya ueto, exile

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