Japanese police found the Taiwanese student who was apparently responsible for the brutal murder of two of his classmates:
Chang Chih-yang, a student at a Japanese language school in Tokyo, is suspected of having killed Julia Chu, 25, and Lin Chih-ying, 23, both of whom were also students at the school.
Chu and Lin were found covered in blood in the dormitory of the Intercultural Institute of Japan at around 10 a.m. Jan. 5. One of them died at the scene and the other died a short time later in hospital.
Police found Chang earlier today at the SKE48 theater in Nagoya. According to the latest press reports, when police were driving him to a station for questioning, he took out a knife and stabbed himself in the neck. He died before they could get him to a hospital. Police officers had supposedly searched him beforehand, but had failed to find the knife.
Chang is said to have confessed his guilt shortly before his suicide.
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