DBSK fans have caused an interruption in the production for the movie Changmin has been shooting alongside Japanese actor Tsumabuki Satoshi.
On February 2, according to a Japanese Internet news outlet, Satoshi, who is featured with Changmin in the upcoming Japanese movie entitled "Grab the Gold and Run," posted on his personal Twitter, "In the middle of filming. The schedule is pretty tough, the budget is tight, and the staff and actors have to run on very little sleep in order to film for this movie. We are all sacrificing so much for the production of this movie, please support us so we can finish this project." Satoshi's post revealed the current difficulties of filming and requested fans to give them moral support.
Shortly afterwards, Satoshi posted, "The filming got postponed 2-3 hours because of my mediocre acting." However, fans that were present at the filming that day revealed that the postponement was actually due to DBSK fans.
A fan who was present at the filming had posted on her Twitter, "DBSK's Changmin is filming." This message spread like wildfire among the Twitter community and resulted in a large crowd of fans crowding into a small store where filming was taking place, making the set almost chaotic. There was no choice but to pause filming.
After the incident, DBSK fans apologized for creating a disturbance. Fans on social networking sites have written messages such as: "Tsumabuki, the staff and film director, I am very ashamed that we fans caused a problem," "Dear Tsumabuki, I was one of the fans that went out to the filming site today. Please excuse what happened."
DBSK's Changmin, Tsumabuki, along with other renowned Japanese actors have come together to film a story based on a popular bestselling crime-thriller novel, "Fly Holding a Golden" by author Kaoru Takamura. The story is about five men who are planning to steal gold bars. The movie is to premier later this year in October.
Source: soompi
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