nalty7 (nalty7) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

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Sugai Madoka wins Prix de Lausanne

Japan's Madoka Sugai won the top prize Saturday at the Prix de Lausanne, a prestigious international ballet competition for young dancers aged 15 to 18. 

Sugai, a 17-year-old high school student in Tokyo, also won the prize for contemporary dance.

"I can't believe that I won," Sugai told reporters after an award ceremony. "I feel as if I am still in a dream of dance."

Sugai will be awarded a scholarship to cover her tuition at the ballet academy of her choice for a year. Sugai said she wants to go to Birmingham Royal Ballet in Britain.

The video of the performance:

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tags: awards

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