Loquii (loquii) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

Yamada Yu loves a certain part of Oguri Shun too much to care about his cheating


On March 14th, actor Oguri Shun (29) and model-actress Yamada Yu (27) finally tied the knot with their marriage. Even with the continuous cheating rumors that arose concerning Oguri, Yamada somehow stuck it out until the end.

And why is this?

Apparently, even if Oguri cheats, Yamada loves a certain part of Oguri too much to care.

In October 2011, full shots were taken of Oguri going to a love hotel with a beautiful woman.

According to two friends of Yamada, “At that point, no matter how many times they became apart due to Oguri’s cheating, they always got back together. For Yamada, even when he cheated, even while she was still mad, in the end she’d just say ‘Well, he is that kind of guy’, and return. At one time before, if a girl asked ‘What do you see in that cheating man?’, she’d laugh and say ‘I have a preference for faces.’ Even if we were joking, she’d remind us she was “Really a face type.”

Joking aside, she really loves Shun’s face. With Friday’s love hotel cheating stuff came out, of course she was in tears. But in the end, Shun bowed his head and they got back together, but in the conditions she would permit, there was talk that there had to be a marriage agreement. “

was so surprised at their marriage, shun is cute yamada could do better imo

Tags: oguri shun, yamada yuu

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