Wendy (rikayla) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

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Inoue Mao becomes a first-time director!

Actress Inoue Mao will be directing an episode of the MBS • TBS documentary program Jounetsu Tairiku for the first time. In the documentary, Inoue will be interviewing singer-songwriter Oda Kazumasa. Filming took place back in April, with Inoue handling part of the camera work herself.

Jounetsu Tairiku started back in April of 1998. Currently on air for the past fifteen years, this May marked its 700th episode. A new format will be introduced starting June 10, where an actor or talent will be in charge of filming the episode. The program airs Sunday evenings from 11:00 to 11:30 PM. Inoue and Oda's episode will be broadcasted June 10.

Source: AsianFanatics, Oricon

Never forget: Gorgeous Oda Kazumasa music video starring Inoue Mao herself!
Tags: mao inoue

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