The movie focuses on the relationship of the clumsy hero, Maeda (Kamiki Ryunosuke) of the Film Club, between his classmates in a real multi-layered approach giving the film a new sense of youth. Other cast members include Hashimoto Ai, Ohgo Suzuka, Higashide Masahiro, Shimizu Kurumi, Matsuoka Mayu, Yamamoto Mizuki, Ochiai Motoki and Taiga.
The film is written and directed by Yoshida Daihachi ("Funuke domo, Kanashimi no Ai wo Misero", "Permanent Nobara") and co-written by actor-voice actor Kiyasu Kohei (Nylon 100℃ theater troupe). Takahashi Yu has written the movie's theme song entitled "Hi wa Mata Noboru".
The movie will be released in theaters on August 11, 2012. A special screening and Q&A session will be held on July 3rd on Waseda University where the Alumni Asai Ryo has written the novel.
Check out the trailer below:
source: Official Site | Yahoo!Movies | Youtube | Natalie | | | |
the movie looks really nice and cute~ and the theme song sounds awesome!
Edit: Added youtube trailer