liime_arix (liime_arix) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

Ohno Satoshi semi-nude 'anan' cover is an attempt to appeal to gays?

Recent issue no. 1811 of popular sexy magazine “an an” featured Arashi’s Riida Ohno Satoshi on the cover. Unlike his fellow members Matsumoto Jun and Sho Sakurai, who showed their butt and butt cracks, Ohno’s photo shoot turned-out to be more laid back.

Johnny’s-Watcher reported that photographer Leslie Kee, known for his nude/semi-nude photographs and his closeness to Ayumi Hamasaki, is gay; therefore, his collaboration with "an an" for Ohno has been made to make it more gay-appealing.

Kee also worked with Jin Akanishi before for “Super Jin Akanishi” photo exhibit, the exhibit is more laid back compared to Jin’s “an an” issue. Nevertheless, it has the same elements like from Ohno photo shoot. Like the “bathtub pose” and “after-shower look”.

According to source, Leslie Kee created that type of photo-shoot to make them more appealing to gays since most gays hate Johnny’s talents. Johnny’s talents collaboration with Kee would surely make them more popular around Shinjuku Ni-Chome area.

Johnny's Watcher via source

Idk if they made it to appeal to gay men or rather to reflect Ohno's personality, but the part about gays hating JE is very much true.
Tags: lol, ohno satoshi, rumour

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