2bling_bling (2bling_bling) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

Lady Gaga settles lawsuit by donating $107,500 to Japanese tsunami victims

In order to settle a federal lawsuit filed in the U.S., Lady Gaga, the world renown pop-star, will donate $107,500 to the victims of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The lawsuit stemmed from the claim that Gaga had misled fans and visitors to her website with a promotion to sell wristbands for charity. The promotion claimed that all proceeds would go directly to relief efforts in Japan, but the lawsuit says that sales taxes and a $4 charge for shipping were added, creating additional funds that were not donated.

Lady Gaga’s website offered wristbands for $5, printed with the message “We Pray For Japan,” along with giving visitors the option to donate amounts of their own choosing. Court records show that roughly $1.5 million was raised for the victims in Japan through the charity, but Alyson Oliver, an attorney from Detroit, Michigan, has stated that not all the money went to the intended Japanese victims. Under the terms of the settlement, Lady Gaga and several other defendants, who all deny the lawsuit has any credit, will pay another $107,500 to charity for the tsunami victims.

Back in May, Gaga auctioned off a teacup that she drank from at a press conference in Tokyo shortly after the March disasters. She came to Japan to raise money by performing at a charity concert, and drinking from the teacup with the words “Pray for Japan” written on it, she said it would be auctioned off for charity in the future. Also featuring the star’s signature and lipstick imprint, the teacup raised around $75,000 for relief efforts.
Tags: international celebrity, international news

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