murasaki_sky (murasaki_sky) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

Arashi's Satoshi Ohno Collaborative Design T-Shirts Becomes Huge Selle

Satoshi Ohno have collaborated with designer Yoshimoto Nara for the 24 Hr TV "Love Saves the World" chari-t-shirts. The said annual charity event have chosen Arashi as their main host for the 3rd time.

The future-themed t-shirts have sold 596,203 in just a month and a half. They have surpassed the 2008 record with 458,306 shirts. Furthermore, at the rate of 2,000 t-shirts sold each day, the Nara-Ohno collaboration might even surpass 600,000 sales.

The front design of the t-shirts represent a child whose huge eyes was painted with the word "future" (未来); it also has a sprout on its head that represents "a new beginning". Lastly, the "future" word at the back was written by Ohno.

Source: jpopasia

Tags: fashion, ohno satoshi

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