love323able (love323able) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

Instrumental group Te' release PV from upcoming album


te’ released their brand new MV for “楽観の深奥で燻る魔は、万人が宿す普遍的無意識の『罪』の残滓” [Demons smoldering in the depths of optimism are the remains of the 'sins' of universal unconsciousness carried by all people."]

The music of te' is so aggressive and emotional with its heavy sound and tremendous roar. That is one of the reasons why their music was sometimes compared to hardcore music. Not only the heaviness, but they play so delicately a beautiful melody methodically and tightly. To express these two completely different senses at the same time, the music of te' doesn't need vocals at all. One big reason why te' is now getting offers to play in another countries like U.S.A, Asia, is because of their high quality of their stage. Everyone who watches their stage, they won't believe how they play those music with their aggressive stage performances. There is a completely new scene ahead for the audiences who have experienced the music of te'.
  which has nothing BTW :/

*different song from the above


i am luving what i am hearing<3
had no idea their was such thing as instrumental groups....glad i know now
....nice pv too!
Tags: music/musician (indie), music/musician (j-rock & visual kei), pv

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