happyspork (happyspork) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

"Johnny's Fanboy" author thinks writing child pornography should be okay

42-year old German resident and recently self-published author Marcus Herzig, lovingly called Kamichan by his intelligent, completely sane followers, claims child pornography should be appropriate in his new tell-all book about the Johnny's Entertainment fandom, aptly named "Memoirs of a Johnny's Fanboy". HappySpork has got the inside scoop on the story, with previews of the book provided by Amazon! Below is a small review that focuses on the book.

1. The Title: Memoirs of a Johnny's fanboy
As a title it's neither good nor bad just bland. People concerned with fraudulent labeling might want to point out that kamichan isn't so much a Johnny's fanboy but a fanboy of himself. In the book he compares himself, amongst other, to Dickens and Jesus.

2. The Contents

In the enthralling, emotional, and well-written masterpiece, Herzig describes having pubic hair and eventually finding himself being a man in the prepubescent teen girl dominated fandom about male idols.

He also describes writing Johnny's child pornography involving a 13-year old Johnny. "It probably wasn't appropriate for me to write and share such a story", says Herzig in his book, "although it should have been. Yes, technically it's child pornography, but the world isn't black and white." The 42-year old Herzig also tells readers to "imagine two 13 year olds[... ]ready to explore their budding sexuality together" as he argues why Johnny's child pornography should be okay.


3. Women

Herzig goes into excruciating detail of his experiences admitting he wasn't really a teenage girl when faced with meeting a 19 year old female Johnny's fan in real life. However, this meeting never took place. Herzig claims two women in the Johnny's fandom ganged up on him and he "...became their bitch," after the two women wanted him to admit he really wasn't a young girl but a middle aged-man to his followers. However, Herzig regrets he was not able to tell the them "yeah, you know what? Fuck the children'. Pun intended," because he allegedly had no balls.


4. What can you take away from the book:
As a piece of literature, nothing. It is not worth the paper it was printed on. As a piece of pedophilia apologism, a lot. Take note that he pays lip service to the idea that it wasn't okay to lie to his fellow fans but right after that goes on a rant for several pages about the "mob" that was forcing "Jesus" to chose between "suicide and crucifixion - a mob consisting of two young women. Consider also that Herzig knew he was writing child pornography and enjoyed it.

Consider that Germany is a country where written child pornography, the definition in Germany including anyone under 18 or appears to be under 18 to the average viewer is illegal. Consider that he has no cultural differences to fall back on. You don't have to look at Kamichan and all the things he did before this book. It's all in there and it needs to be shut down.

Source: Amazon Book Preview
Tags: johnnys entertainment, nobody

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