In this year , No.1 is still be actor/singer-singwriter Fukuyama Masaharu who ranked first for the 4th year in row !
[ Check out Top10 below !!]
1.Fukuyama Masaharu (→No.1)
2.Mukai Osamu (→No.2)
3.Kimura Takuya (→No.3)
4.Tsumabuki Satoshi (↑No.5)
5.Inaba Koshi [B'z] (↑No.9)
6.Okada Junichi (↓ No.4)
7.Abe Horoshi (↑No.10)
8.Ikuta Toma (↑ out of No.10)
9.Hyde (↑ out of No.10)
10.Tamayama Tetsuji (↑ out of No.10)
10.Sato Takeru (↓ No.6)
Sorce : Oricon
Very surprised ..No Arashi on the list !
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