Apparently, J&A has ordered someone to watch-over Kis-My-Ft2‘s Taisuke Fujigaya regarding his close relationship with KAT-TUN‘s Koki Tanaka…
As reported, due to SMAP’s barter appearance with Kis-My-Ft2, the group is getting more and more exposure. In lieu to their public image, Fujigaya is given a stern warning regarding one of his senpais…
“Fujigaya is known to admire Tanaka, who is known to be the number 1 playboy in Johnny’s. Fujigaya even kept the doodle made by Tanaka when he was drunk, and put it on his room’s wall. Speaking of Tanaka, Risa Kouda, the AV actress that Tanaka was rumored to be dating was recently arrested for stimulants. Since Fujigaya is also known to be a ladies-man, Johnny’s will supervise Fujigaya carefully so he won’t be more involved with Tanaka as to not affect Kisumai’s good sales”. (According to one weekly reporter)
It is not good to imitate a bad senior.
[Johnny's-Watcher] via jenewsdaily
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