2bling_bling (2bling_bling) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

Yoshizawa Hisashi and Kiriyama Maki got married on 3 March


Yoshizawa Hisashi and Kiriyama Maki announced through their respective agencies on 26 March that they had registered their marriage earlier this month on 3 March. Yoshizawa commented that it had been his dream to form a family so he's very happy about getting married. As both his wife and he are working in the entertainment world, they can understand each other's problems and irregular schedules so he hopes that that they will be able to spend the rest of their lives together while holding hands with each other. As for why the announcement came much later than the marriage registration, Yoshizawa revealed that they decided to wait till his stage play and filming schedule was over before revealing the good news to everyone.

Source: Sanspo, doramaworld
Tags: actor/actress, marriage

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