Ken Hirai got married! His partner is that muscular, bearded, short-haired boyfriend...
Ken Hirai has always had the rumour of being a "gaynoujin [gay performer]" stuck to him. It seems that Ken had a wedding in complete secrecy.
From Tokyo Sports Newspaper:
"While performers that are openly gay and those who are a bit more reserved are increasing, there are many "gaynoujin" that cannot come out because of their public image or their female fans. Mainly actors and singers, however, we have caught onto astonishing evidence concerning the popular singer H who is constantly stopped from coming out by his company or the people and circumstances around him.
A staff member in the gay industry said, "K-chan (H's first name), reserved a restaurant in 2-Chome [area known for it's LGBT culture] and had a gay wedding. It's true. My husband attended the ceremony".
H's house is actually close-by, and was often seen around the neighbourhood. The same person told more, "I saw K-chan meeting with actor O for meals many times in a Yoyogi-Uehara cafe. It was right around the time that the rumour of them dating spread on the internet. But O had a fake marriage. I wonder if that provoked him".
Up until now, H has been photographed many times by magazines with a short-haired, bearded, muscular man and, his spouse is likely to be his long-time boyfriend. H is very onee [effeminate gay man] at concerts and radio programs for his fans, and the day he will completely come out seems to be near!?"
FRIDAY published an article in 2004 but, they just got photos with the boyfriend last year.
They've been together for a long and, it's probably time for them to have a wedding...
By the way, rumours about his "ex-boyfriend" Yuuji Oda, in today's FRIDAY there was an article titled "Yuuji Oda "I love boys (heart)" with photos", this is in relation to the July drama "Oh, My Dad!", where he plays a single father.
Yuuji Oda
"A Fuji TV staff said, "Since this is his first time to have the role of a father, he's extremely motivated about it. He also told magazine staff who came here for an interview, "I am doing the role of a father so, maybe this kind of pose would be nice" and naturally suggested things. After the interview he hugged the staff among other things, anyway he's a passionate person"
Of course, it looks like he shows his passion even at the filming locations. At the start of June, on the way to the Yokohama filming location, even when the cameras weren't filming, Oda spoke with the male child actor, gave him loving hugs, he really seemed like a real father. Although it seems that Oda is only reported to be hard to please, he really does love that boy~."
Well, most people would ignore this but, I am caught in the way this was written.
But if he cheers up because of that cute boy then, maybe it means that weird rumours are not floating around the set.
So, back to Ken Hirai, people say that the reason male singers do not come out because they have female fans.
But even if they say so, if he is totally onee in lives and on radio shows made for fans, and if he still keeps his popularity that way, maybe in Hirai's case, his fans already accepted it?
Onee performers are overflowing on television and, even these day on NHK, things concerning gender is seriously accepted. There is no such thing as having a duty at birth and having set preferences, and it would be nice if Japan could be a little more open and accepting about this too.
And so, Hirai, congratulations!
[ Netizen comments (click to open)]6: チーター(東日本) 2013/06/16(日) 22:42:39.18 ID:LRN6oVoo0
So he really is gay
7: ターキッシュアンゴラ(東京都) 2013/06/16(日) 22:42:50.52 ID:Q9czSpIi0
9: ラグドール(栃木県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:43:29.00 ID:gBJ2jJex0
So you get rumored to be gay even when you're just drinking with a friend?... What a tough world.
10: ジョフロイネコ(東京都) 2013/06/16(日) 22:43:50.68 ID:AgFicrBP0
But this guy is seriously gay (´・ω・`)
11: しぃ(WiMAX) 2013/06/16(日) 22:44:04.14 ID:fYF7+XIPP
I'm glad it isn't a fake marriage like Yuji Oda's
12: ボブキャット(神奈川県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:44:09.72 ID:KDl1sWbF0
15: ジャングルキャット(鹿児島県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:44:44.40 ID:iJRl2/gF0
Sis Ken...
21: ペルシャ(埼玉県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:46:11.63 ID:WFyfIOB1T
He's not hiding it so just leave him alone
22: エキゾチックショートヘア(岡山県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:46:12.34 ID:XVbqVhlW0
And to think that he's an ikemen
25: マーブルキャット(dion軍) 2013/06/16(日) 22:47:08.68 ID:50XLWrRN0
Oh, so it wasn't with Kiyoshi Hikawa?
29: ラ・パーマ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/16(日) 22:49:10.36 ID:BFkTS2RO0
Wasn't Kiyoshi Hikawa's partner Yuki Matsumura?
39: サイベリアン(茨城県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:52:32.67 ID:nJq/pJxp0
Hikawa likes a middle-aged ikemen like Yuki Matsumura, not some well-built mustache baldie.
26: しぃ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/16(日) 22:48:06.93 ID:D9Zlf20RP
He's a role model for gay men
27: ラグドール(愛知県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:48:10.87 ID:f3zcw+3g0
Why do the gays grow their mustache/beard?
57: シャム(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/16(日) 23:05:34.55 ID:c3IRTC790
Might be a marker saying "Hey, I'm gay" in order for them to find partners easily.
32: サビイロネコ(岡山県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:50:00.58 ID:GnFikCQq0
Are they romantically involved? No way, they're just friends, right?
38: ジャパニーズボブテイル(関東・東海) 2013/06/16(日) 22:50:58.68 ID:r/zZqKnm0
Who's the man and who's the woman here?
40: カラカル(沖縄県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:52:35.93 ID:R94JAanA0
Does he always wear short pants?
41: サバトラ(千葉県) 2013/06/16(日) 22:52:44.34 ID:7qBkUQr40
So he isn't a homo!
Or so I originally thought. But he is one after all, huh.
45: アムールヤマネコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/16(日) 22:54:53.06 ID:fkt/ueFE0
Sis Ken is playing a gay character on radio, and he also has some gay coming-out songs in his albums, so I guess it can't be helped if there are rumors like this.
50: ハバナブラウン(東日本) 2013/06/16(日) 22:58:56.67 ID:hjY8XYqtO
"Sono te de, sono te de, watashi o Yogoshite
Nando mo, nando mo, watashi o kowashite"
(Taint me with those hands, those hands...
Break me again and again...)
51: トラ(東京都) 2013/06/16(日) 22:59:18.43 ID:TdQf+I210
I got the chills
52: マーゲイ(石川県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:00:56.95 ID:Nax+hsFY0
Elite of the gay world
55: ジャガーネコ(チベット自治区) 2013/06/16(日) 23:03:49.95 ID:Evwah0XN0
Didn't he once say on radio "In the case of my boyfriend~"
62: アンデスネコ(中国地方) 2013/06/16(日) 23:09:24.40 ID:y4bMlzbT0
So Ken-san really is one, huh
63: トンキニーズ(新潟・東北) 2013/06/16(日) 23:09:31.60 ID:4hIjkEkcO
Ane (sis) Hirai-san
65: コドコド(愛知県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:12:01.55 ID:xcZRGJG70
Ken Hirai has this song where the lyrics go "I want to open it with your KEY that's tilted to right", or something like that.
That's totally a homo song.
66: コラット(埼玉県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:13:17.10 ID:CF6P8m9lP
Uhm, well...
In 2-Chome? I was trying to reply with that but I'm having a hard time reacting since it all seems so true LOL
Anyway, I hope he'll be happy.
67: スナドリネコ(兵庫県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:15:23.86 ID:ZePpK7oa0
They look good together.
I'm giving them my blessings.
68: オセロット(WiMAX) 2013/06/16(日) 23:16:56.81 ID:kWZkfK9h0
Ken Hirai sure is nice.
But the female listeners oftentimes think that he's singing the parts "Kimi~" to them, but it was actually for "men".
69: クロアシネコ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/06/16(日) 23:17:27.42 ID:kt7EqDKG0
I hope he'll live a happy life
70: アンデスネコ(関東・甲信越) 2013/06/16(日) 23:21:36.05 ID:otcZAPPoO
75: 黒トラ(大阪府) 2013/06/16(日) 23:29:55.95 ID:hFrHj+on0
84: しぃ(奈良県) 2013/06/16(日) 23:37:14.12 ID:Q0yK6E770
So he didn't get married with Oda-san in America?
91: コドコド(富山県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:00:13.96 ID:LLXviWjB0
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I used to like him
95: ユキヒョウ(千葉県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:04:39.75 ID:0vaGlbjf0
Gays are delicate. There are a lot of lyricists who are gay.
100: オセロット(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/06/17(月) 00:09:17.60 ID:fgbeK6oM0
What a waste, he would have been so popular with the ladies
102: 白黒(愛知県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:09:32.20 ID:hxfl+8Gi0
Sis Ken... I'll always support you. Please be happy.
106: ギコ(福井県) 2013/06/17(月) 00:12:00.57 ID:W9IW1Qu3P
He should come out like they do overseas
109: ギコ(やわらか銀行) 2013/06/17(月) 00:14:35.82 ID:TMbso08yP
Congratulations! Good Job.
112: ターキッシュアンゴラ(九州地方) 2013/06/17(月) 00:25:47.46 ID:uE3wqcp4O
Let him come out properly. I'm rooting for him.
source: 1, 2 translated by
Aw, I'm so happy for him. He deserves all the happiness in the world. I told my Japanese teacher about this and she was so unsurprised like "...ah...(makes sense)".
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