[☆] [ you are my saviour. ] (baka_tenshi) wrote in aramatheydidnt,
[☆] [ you are my saviour. ]

Serial Experiments Lain Director Ryutaro Nakamura Passes Away

Kino's Journey, Sakura Wars director battled for months against pancreatic cancer before passing away at age 58

The official Twitter feed for the Chibi Neko Tom no Dai Bōken anime announced on Thursday that anime director and storyboard artist Ryutaro Nakamura (Serial Experiments Lain, Kino's Journey) had passed away on June 29 at 4 p.m. after months of being hospitalized while fighting pancreatic cancer. The announcement was made after permission was given by his family. He was 58 years old at the time of his death.

Nakamura was the director of the Chibi Neko Tom no Dai Bōken anime before his passing. He is possibly best known for his work as director on the Serial Experiments Lain anime. He is also known as the director of the Kino's Journey, Sakura Wars, and Ghost Hound anime series. (source)

rip :( but at least he's not suffering anymore...
Tags: anime/animation, death

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