2bling_bling (2bling_bling) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

Abe Sadao & Takenouchi Yutaka in New York for the premiere screening of "Shazai no Ousama"

Abe Sadao and Takenouchi Yutaka went to New York for the premiere screening of their new movie "Shazai no Ousama" held on 4 September. They visited various famous spots in the city such as the Statue of Liberty, Times Square and Brooklyn Bridge and took pictures while posing and chanting the movie's signature line of "Wakige Bobo Jiyuu no Megami" in a bid to promote the movie. Abe who was on his first trip to New York, said that he would never have made it here if not for his movie and said that the trip will be a fond memory of his. On the other hand, Takenouchi who has usually maintained a serious image, said that it was good that the locals didn't find their posing actions weird or offensive.

On the same night, the two of them attended the screening held at Lincoln Centre where 200 people had gathered. Abe and Takenouchi both greeted the audience in English. Takenouchi even jokingly said that the audience should "forget about it" if they did not like the movie which made the audience laugh.

The movie will be screened in Taiwan before the end of the year and will aim for a US release after the New York screening.

Source: Sanspo, doramaworld
Tags: actor/actress, movie

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