エンジェル (flashylicious) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

The Reason Tanaka Koki is A Great Man, Account by BUBKA Magazine Writer

(Account as written by BUBKA magazine writer J)

I was in charged of writing articles on Johnnys, actually for a period of time i was pursuing after Tanaka Koki persistently. Few years ago i often went to check out the private events that he held which is kept a secret from his agency. However as i followed and chased after him all these while, it only reflected much of his kindness and masculinity which is attractive as a person. When i first knew about his dismissal from his agency what sprung out first is anger. I would like to write about his charm which is seen and experienced first-hand.

◉ Gentle Lecture Towards A Small Magazine Editor

After a club event we chased after him and one of our female reporter is found by him. As he has an aggressive image, we thought that he will hit or attack but there was no such thing. Instead he said to us 「Thanks for your hard work, chasing after me till late must be toilsome. But as it's my private time thus it will be difficult to allow you to continue this. I know this is your work but i hope that you can put yourself in my position and understand a little.」 and briskly walked away.

 ◉ Girls He Dated Barely Spoke Bad of Him

Women whom he dated mostly expressed that it was great to have been in a relationship with him. Barely any of them spoke ill about him, i always hear them say 「Actually, he is really gentle and kind.」 Even after separating, they still keep in contact as just friends.

 ◉ Takes Good Care of His Juniors

I have heard many times of how he took great care of a certain member from a popular group currently. That member has a weak mentality and there is an impression that he was there to support him during those times. That junior would probably have suffered a mental breakdown if Koki was not there for him. Despite being a super playboy himself, Koki often taught that junior to do things properly.

 ◉ Godly Interaction with Male Fans During Concert

Despite being a male, Koki always gave a great response when he finds me within the audience during concerts. Few years ago i went to their dome concerts two days consecutively with another male friend. On the first day he pointed and made gestures with his hands. On the second day when Koki discovered us, he burst into explosive laughter and pointed at us. I feel like he is seeking response from the male fans in any case. As he continued his rowdy rap on stage it conveys his obligations of being a Johnny. It seems like he has always been walking the opposite path from Johnny's idols.

 ◉ Enthusiasm Towards Rap

Back in the old days, in some club in Roppongi i witnessed the freestyle of Koki. Although i do not know anything about hip-hop, i still know that that it was insanely great and skillful even from a layman's point of view. Much to say i was surprised that there are actually Johnny's who can do freestyle. From the context of idols rapping, I find it detestable that Sakurai Sho often received high evaluation for his rap while Koki is being ridiculed by music people for his earnest stance in rapping.

Other than these i have heard from many people and there are many episodes. Well there are many naughty stories as well but mostly we felt his delicacy and tenderness as a person. After a long time i looked back at a coverage done years ago. Being chased by Johnny's fans and the media everyday, he didn't trust anyone and was wary of fans and reporters. Even after boarding a taxi he always checks the rear view mirror. Whenever we discover Koki at Roppongi or Shibuya, his back figure looked lonely all the time. We even witness once he was nearly tearing while walking.

However i want to clarify that i did not pursue him just because he has many scandals, it may be that case in the beginning but before i realized it, i was pursuing him because he is attractive as a person. I really wish to support his future activities and sorry to all the fans for such a subtle story.


BUBKA is a japanese magazine that covers gossips of idols and celebrities.
Tags: johnnys entertainment, kat-tun, talent

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