umbrellaphone (umbrellaphone) wrote in aramatheydidnt,

New arcade game lets you get face-to-face with AKB48 members… and shoot them in the face

Starting this April in arcades everywhere, darlings of the idol scene, AKB48 will be making their debut in an arcade game. Unfortunately for fans they are also zombified and require you to take aim and unload on them with your handgun.

It’s called Sailor Zombie AKB48 Edition, and as the name suggests it features members of the pop squad dressed up in adorable sailor outfits. Also as the name implies, the cuties are reanimated corpses who desire to eat your brains.

Luckily, you’re strapped with a plastic “vaccine gun” that can cure the ladies of their undead strife. And you know you want to start plugging away once they get into that old Thriller routine.

This zombie army is represented by Yuko Oshima, Mayu Watanabe, Yuki Kashiwagi, Rina Kawaei, Anna Iriyama, Mako Kojima, and Miki Nishino. All of them are beautifully rendered in 3D, aside from their complexions.

If you happen to be in Chiba next week (14 & 15 February) you might want to head down to the Makuhari Messe Convention Center for a sneak peak of Sailor Zombie AKB48 Edition. The rest of us in Japan will have to wait until April.

It’s truly an interesting game from the idol group though. Can AKB fans squeeze the trigger between Oshima-san’s doe eyes? Meanwhile, can AKB48 detractors resist shooting out the streetlights to save the idol septet? Sailor Zombie AKB48 Edition makers NEX Entertainment and Namco Bandai are hoping no on both counts, because that means more coins in the machine baby!

Tags: akb48, well well well

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